07 July, 2006

twisted construction

~5:00am:  i'm in deep sleep:  the dream
i'm walking down a street and find out that a friend from college died.  it's sad but really not that sad because college was more than six years ago and this person is barely an aquaintence anymore.  but regardless... they're dead they're cremated and somehow i'm responsible for the cremains (yes, that's the official word for the ashes).

next scene, i'm looking into a box of cremains and am trying to figure out what the hell to do with them... i want to touch them cause i've never seen ashes before but i'm extremely grossed out at the fact that right in the middle of all this ash is a bone, yeah, a bone.  blech.  what do i do?  i take a little snack baggie (not the sandwich ones, the little 1/2 baggies for snacks) and i fill it up w/ ashes.  what do i do w/ the ashes?  i pour a little water into them, mix it around, and use the resulting paste to build a house.  i think it was a house at least.  

huh... gives a whole new meaning to being "hard as a brick"  *evil-horny-grin*

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