19 February, 2007

"simple pleasures" or "just really easy to keep happy"???

simple moment of pleasure #524:

walking thru an empty intersection at night and hearing the *click* when the traffic lights switch.

not only are you privy to the amazing experience of being in a location known for being busy while it's so quiet that you can hear an almost-silent *click* but when you hear the *click* the whole world changes around you. what was dark and eerie w/ red overtones turns bright and cheerfully green. you're greeted by a bright white walk sign and it's like the world has, for a short moment, opened it's slowly dozing-off eyes for you.

you're special... you got to hear the *click*! how many people can say they experienced the *click*... or can even say that they were in the moment SO much that they were almost anticipating it...

life is beautiful.

*** addendum after posting ***
dude, i just realized that i ended two posts in a row with "life is beautiful." - huh, cool...


  1. ok, wow - i didn't know anyone else loved the sound of an empty intersection and the "click"


  2. Wow, Tom! That was a beautiful posting! I love how you love life :)
