22 June, 2004


do days at work ever settle down? i'm here at work with so much to do i almost can't stand it. oh, and i missed the bus and ended up getting in late ta-boot - looks like i'll be living here a bit later than usual.

on a brighter note though... i got me a man purse yesterday at the mall! technically it's an eddie bauer guide bag... but who the hell cares?!? and it was on sale... how perfect is that! now i join the ranks of men who have cast off their fears and proudly carry a purse to drag around all these stupid items we own now a days: wallets, keys, ipods, phones, cigs, flasks, porn, and pics of our kitties.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Man purses rule! If you like those types of things...I say de-accessorize and you will do fine. Just kidding!

    I say get rid of the smokes and add more porn. Now that would be a real man purse.

