i just think it's hillarious that the abbreviation for this day is the same as the abbreviation for an std.
i don't hate vd, really. but when people start talking about it all love-dovey and crap i usually pipe-in with a comment that hints to my animosity towards it. why do i do this? i dunno, i think it has to do with fact that in the middle of a vd conversation the other person typically expects me to be a bitter, single, fag - i guess i just decide it's easier to stoop tp their low expectations than try to convince them that, no, really, i don't hate this day.
but, truly, today has been a decent day. at work they announced a 9% bonus and almost better than that, golden girls season 4 came out on dvd today.
i think too many people rely on other people's declaration of love in order to convince them that they, too, should love themselves - i for one say fuck that. i love myself plenty and i don't need anyone else for that validation.
true, i'd LOVE a boyfriend on this day, but without one i'm not going to bitch - hell, i've had a super evening. why - you ask? well let me tell you what i did this evening and i'll let YOU decide = )
i got home and cracked open a most amazing bottle of 1995 chateau les graves de viaud cotes di bourg. i drank a glass while finishing the dishes and then went to target to get some stuff. on the way home i got good ol' taco bell and came home. i proceeded to watch the first few episodes of golden girls season 4 while continuing to drink my cotes de bourg. by the time i was about 3 drinks away from finishing the bottle, my friends from upstairs called and i went up and watched some HOT figure skaters (i'll leave the details for another blog) and then we went to the front porch to share a vd cig. and now i'm here talking about my super night [mostly] by myself drinking a bottle of wine and watching gg's.
who needs a man?
i think i'm going to go pass out now.
happy vd folks.