27 February, 2006

outta the loop

i'm just not fitting in lately. every day i come into work and people spend company time discussing the tv shows that they follow on a weekly, or (god forbid) daily, basis. they chitter-chatter about like housewives discussing soap operas, only it's corporate american middle-class citizens discussing shows like survivor, gray's anatomy, or *ugh* american idol.

i just put my headphones on and work. i mean, all i'd be able to discuss is how gorgeous of a day it was yesterday, or how much fun i had with my friends watching a movie and having pizza on friday, or how i was moved by an amazing church service on sunday, or how crazy the snelling/hwy 36 retail cluster-fuck is, or how excited i am about my new knitting project (i'm sucessfully purling!!!).


i guess i just don't have a life.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to admit that I am one of those persons addicted to American Idol. :-) I am also majorly addicted to Lost, so much so that I like to read a couple websites online that contain all kinds of theories about the island and the "others." Oh, and add Scrubs and The Office to that list. And lately, The IT Group, which is a British comedy that Americans can only view online at the moment. Sometimes those office shows just hit too close to home.
