bibles - my sister's college graduation is today. she has to walk down the aisle with a bible *GAG* a freaking BIBLE? is this first communion? jesus... anyway. sister-v is as grossed-out about this as i am... i believe she's going to walk down, instead, with the ba'hai book of prayer (take THAT thumpers).
bitching - minnesota legislature just turned down the opportunity to show themselves as accepting, loving, and caring humans who care about other humans. outright turning down health benefits to state employees is a terribly sad moment in our state's history. what's even worse is when the dumb-fuck governor boldly states that he'll veto any bill that grants same-sex benefits. really people... get over it, we're human just like you. we want to be happy just like you. we want to love just like you. we want to be physically healthy and alive just like you. you're no better than i am...
boobs - hmmm... nothing on the boob front. i think i put it in the post because it was another 'b' word.
beef (well, actually chicken) - my lovely vegetarian [non]wife and i got caught on camera at the saint paul farmer's market last weekend. apparently we had an appearance on the news and everything. so where was my vegetarian [non]wife and i caught looking at? meat. how appropriate... she doesn't eat it and i can't get enough.
happy may day weekend = )
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