09 March, 2006

icky sex

every time i find out a woman is pregnant i automatically imagine her having sex with her husband (or turkey baster if she's a lesbain). this isn't good - actually, it's disgusting. i just found out a coworker was prego... it happened again, i AUTOMATICALLY imagined her on her back *shiver* you know the rest.

oddly enough, whenever i find out from a guy that his wife is pregnant i NEVER imagine him having sex with his wife which is really too bad - i have a lot of really cute guy-friends.


  1. I shutter to think about what you thought when we all shared sex stories last time I spent time with you...One of these days, I'll turn up preggo & then what? I hope you'll still talk to me after you realize I just had SEX (and probably deliciously awesome sex at that) :o)

    Love ya, Tom!

  2. What a gay snob you are.

    1. Married women (and lesbians with squirting devices) aren't the only people who get pregnant. Have I taught you nothing?

    2. Being on our backs is not our only option. Have I taught you nothing?!?

    If you find yourself stuck imagining the oddity that is the female sex act, at least do us the courtesy of allowing us to have personalities and willpower and a whole big fat range of humanity in the fantasy. You might even find that it's less icky that way.
