31 October, 2006

the tipsy plane

i've made it through security and am ready to blow this joint only to find out that my flight has been delayed by half an hour. no problem, it gave me time to grab some food, eat, and... yes... study. it also gave me time to admire the bountiful beauty of cute guys aparantly going to chicago as well *grin*

when i FINALLY got on the plane i was pleasantly surprised to see that i would be spending my flight next to one of the cuter of the guys i had noticed earlier... tommie happy.

we ignored each other for the first part of the flight, that's what guys do (it's universal regardless if you're gay or straight). but when the drink cart came along and i ordered gin and the flight attendant gave it to me for free (cause she said i was "so damn cute"... no lie... that's exactly what she said!) his ears perked-up. he got himself a drink and of course she gave him the drink free too cause he was "so damn cute" (those were my words, not hers - lol). we started talking.

the conversation started with the typical "going home or leaving home" and merged into "what do you do." no sooner had we figured out that he works for the financial planning subsidiary for my company and the conversations just went wild. that's when the flight attendant discreetly dropped an additional bottle of booze for each of us accompanied by a "you boys didn't see anything... but i sure hope you tell everyone how wonderful your flight w/ AIR TRAN was). *grin*

as we downed our remaining drinks we got to a personal level and discussed how he went to college just 1/2 hour from where i grew up, where i went to college (and DIDN'T finish college - he said the whole "incident" was "totally fucked-up"), and how we were going to have a BLAST this weekend away from home.

when the plane landed and we both stood up we glanced at each other with slightly shocked looks... words really didn't need to be said other than "man, i'm tipsy."

man i love AIR TRAN!

30 October, 2006

oh the places i've gone...

i'm back from chicago and have so many stories to tell that i'm kind of overwhelmed = ) here's a short taste of stories that will be written up this week:

the tipsy plane
the train of death
the train of death, part due
the old bum and the sauce
um... don't i know you?

just something for you all to look forward to! man, some of these stories are really good...

26 October, 2006


last night i had beer bladder and had to go to the bathroom in the stall because several other guys had beer bladder at the same time.  

on the stall wall i saw "fah-q" written.  it took me a sec to figure out what it meant and then i caught it and like an epiphany is supposed to be, i laughed so hard that i pissed on the toilet seat.  = )

i can't say how pleased i am to see that bathroom stall vandals are FINALLY getting unique.  i mean... i always get a laugh when i see "here i sit all broken hearted..." but when i see something like "fah-q" it makes me proud to be a public stall user... i've been enlightned!

side note:  i'm leaving this afternoon for a 3-day trip to chicago.  vacation is greatly needed in my life so i'm getting up and leaving for a long weekend.  i'm not planning on bringing my laptop along to post so you may not hear from me till early next week.  but you should be used to that... nakachunkoff's personal universe has had a black hole lately that's been sucking all life energy from it  *grin*

have a good weekend!!!

23 October, 2006

fun with my hole

i bit the inside of my lip twice in two minutes this morning while eating a lowfat cranberry orange scone.  it hurt like a bitch, but now that the throbbing and searing pain has gone away there's a hole in my lip where i bit it.  it's actually really fun to play with it.

look!  my tongue is in my hole!

look!  now it's not!

he he - this is going to be such a fun day...

20 October, 2006

true mcdonald's story

the setup
me: hungry
mcdonald's lady: lunchlady-ish, old-ish, "i smoke 3-packs a day"-ish

the conversation
me: i'd like a #11 please.
ml: what kind of sauce would you like?
me: hot mustard please

(slapping packets on the counter)

me: (feigning astonishment) wow! (chuckle) how'd you know!?!?


ml: WELL... (dramatic deep breath) when you've lived this long you learn a thing or two.

wow... i can't wait till i'm older so i know what it's like to be uncannily smart.

09 October, 2006

road trip!

bf and i went on a super-fab road trip this weekend. the trip went south of the twin cities to austin, mn where we visited the spam museum (yes, you read that right... the spam museum). we then went east to winona, mn, crossed the beautiful mississippi river, and went north on the scenic hwy 35 up the river. we stopped in alma, wi to look off of a cliff WAY up in the air (i was able to see up jesus' skirt), and then further up the road to wabasha, mn where we crossed over the grand missi-sip and up thru red wing, mn back to the twin cities.

we were on the road for probably seven hours total but saw some amazing land, beautiful trees, and... well... spam. = ) here are some pics from the top of the bluff in alma.

this is on top of the cliff looking down at alma and hwy 35. in the distance you can see the way too phallic power plant.

this is on top of the cliff looking down at the river and the lock and dam #4. the mississippi is full of locks and dams... that damn goldilocks, always gettin' aunt flow involved in every family dispute.

this is ME on top of the cliff. i look grumpy but i'm actually quite happy - i'm on a fabu road trip with my bf AND i just saw up jesus' skirt!

hmmm, it's that damn dam again. only this time there's two people that look like they're sitting on nothing and thinking about jumping. DON'T JUMP!!! NIAGRA FALLS IS SO MUCH MORE DRAMATIC!

ahhh, bf. everybody say "hi bf!!!"

hope you enjoyed!!!


work: i continue to use the middle stall here at work because it offers much-needed respite from my increasingly busy job.  this is the way i see it: to work more than my usual hours requires energy and stamina.  to gain that stamina and energy i must ingest coffee.  coffee makes me poop.  therefore, "middle stall" time should accurately be reported as overtime.  not like it matters though, salaried employees don't get paid for overtime.  how do i justify the two?  i bring personal reading in the the stall with me.  i report overtime and get in some reading at the same time.

grad school: they don't have a middle stall at school so, instead, i use breaks to call my bf to bitch and moan about the indian girl who sits next to me and picks her toe nails in the middle of class, slowly... creating... a pile... of ripped-off nails that gross the hell out of me.

bf: ahh, the bf.  so caring.  so understanding.  so forgiving.  so nice.  

other: you'll NEVER guess who i ran into the other day on the street... "cute bus guy"!!!  he recognized me right away and said hi.  he's still cute as before but has grown his hair out really long and has a beard now.  but i think he's straight... i mean... we ran into each other while bf and i were walking home after work the other day and if "cute bus guy" was gay he TOTALLY would have given me a dirty eye for walking around w/ a cute guy (bf).  i don't think he was jealous at all thus i think, sadly enough, that he's straight.

ok, i'm going to try to get this thing updated more often now... i'm sick of people bitching about my lack of blogging (you know who you are).