i've made it through security and am ready to blow this joint only to find out that my flight has been delayed by half an hour. no problem, it gave me time to grab some food, eat, and... yes... study. it also gave me time to admire the bountiful beauty of cute guys aparantly going to chicago as well *grin*
when i FINALLY got on the plane i was pleasantly surprised to see that i would be spending my flight next to one of the cuter of the guys i had noticed earlier... tommie happy.
we ignored each other for the first part of the flight, that's what guys do (it's universal regardless if you're gay or straight). but when the drink cart came along and i ordered gin and the flight attendant gave it to me for free (cause she said i was "so damn cute"... no lie... that's exactly what she said!) his ears perked-up. he got himself a drink and of course she gave him the drink free too cause he was "so damn cute" (those were my words, not hers - lol). we started talking.
the conversation started with the typical "going home or leaving home" and merged into "what do you do." no sooner had we figured out that he works for the financial planning subsidiary for my company and the conversations just went wild. that's when the flight attendant discreetly dropped an additional bottle of booze for each of us accompanied by a "you boys didn't see anything... but i sure hope you tell everyone how wonderful your flight w/ AIR TRAN was). *grin*
as we downed our remaining drinks we got to a personal level and discussed how he went to college just 1/2 hour from where i grew up, where i went to college (and DIDN'T finish college - he said the whole "incident" was "totally fucked-up"), and how we were going to have a BLAST this weekend away from home.
when the plane landed and we both stood up we glanced at each other with slightly shocked looks... words really didn't need to be said other than "man, i'm tipsy."
man i love AIR TRAN!
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