22 April, 2007

oh, roman...

step aside jason lee, i have a new boyfriend...

roman abramovich: gorgeous russian, world's sexiest billionaire, and mine... aaaalllll mine.

it's actually not his money that i'm attracted to (though it's not a bad thing either), it's his 24/7 5 o'clock shadow and that really sexy spot of white hair on the left side of his chin. *shiver*

i think i'm going to take up soccer and russian.

17 April, 2007

hockey hair

hockey hair is cool. it's sexy, fun, wavy, soft, AWESOME to run your fingers through, and just plain ol' neato. that's why i'm going for it.

yeah... me. i don't know why (i never try to fake like i do).

what inspired me to paint my nails black with my sister a few weeks ago?

what made me crazy enough to pierce my dick three separate times in three separate places?

what causes me to love tattoos? (i'm waiting for a friend to figure out what she wants then we're going and i'll be getting my fourth).

why do i wear my shit-kickin' boots to work?

why do i laugh at "dead baby" jokes, cry at poop jokes, and plain ol' lose it at boob jokes?

why do i cease all beard trimming for months at a time?

why do i LUST AFTER pabst blue ribbon beer in 16oz cans?

what IS it that makes me go absolutely cuckoo-bananas at the mere thought of jason lee?

why do i actually believe that self improvement is masturbation?

why am i a full-time working adult AND a full-time grad school student at the same time?

why do i practically get a hard-on thinking about nasal irrigation?

why do i detest cats but love my pussy?

why do sexual innuendos still make me giggle like a 4th grader?

why do i have a picture of my mechanic on my desktop?

why, Why, WHY???


i guess it's because it's all so fun. lol - so freakin' fun!

08 April, 2007

just another day?

this is the first time in 28 years that i have not ridden the paschal rollercoaster.

the rollercoaster ride starts during advent when the car slowly creeps toward an apex that can only end in a glorious celebration of the birth of the christ child. after a few weeks/months in ecstasy the car plunges into the depths of despair on ash wednesday when christians around the world begin 40 days of constant reminding of their general unworthiness, inability to be “saved”, and despair over not being able to be in the light of the universe all on account of being human. one would think this despair would end on the most holy of sundays, easter but no, easter does nothing more than give christians one more excuse to fall at the feet of the “throne of grace” to grovel as, once again, unworthy human scum.

do you realize that when calculating the lenten season in a person’s live that a christian adult that is 50 years old has spent approximately five and a half YEARS in a state of lamentation over their unworthiness of being able to be in the presence of their own creator? they get over this damning feeling by using christ as a literal scapegoat for their unworthiness which, supposedly, gives them peace. i think the biggest despair is that these adults allow themselves to be duped into believing that they’re not worthy of anything that is given to them by the universe.

i guess there’s no better time than today, easter sunday, to state that i no longer fall for that bullshit. i believe that humans are beautiful and perfect as they are. i believe that humans are worthy of love by the universe and i believe that humans are powerful beyond their wildest dreams. evil exists in the world because humans refuse to acknowledge their power and their status of “loved.” the greatest sin of all is when a human willingly allows themselves to believe that they don’t deserve happiness.

i refuse to grovel at the feet of a sexist, jealous, violent, homophobic god… i stand up tall and proud and worship in the beauty of the holiness that surrounds me by a universal power that is truly loving and accepting and doesn’t wish harm on anyone… even if they don’t believe in it’s existence.

03 April, 2007


i remember a sex and the city episode where carrie noted that chronically-single people get the shaft because they never get the chance to enjoy the abundance of gifts that are showered upon people when they get married or have a kid. i have to say that, in a non-bitter way, i agree with her... it really is the shaft sometimes.

i never plan on marrying (not even noting the obvious that i CAN'T) nor do i plan on having kids... i guess that just makes people like me stronger... *shrug*

and oddly enough, unlike most situations, i really am not bitter. i think i'm not bitter because i don't even WANT to begin to have the type of life that a married couple or parents have (it's just not the life for me). so i guess that not getting the extra abundance showered on me by friends or co-workers is a gift in itself. a gift that is showing me that, indeed, i am living the life that i'm happy with.

but i wouldn't turn down a set of waterford martini glasses as a "you're cool" gift because, well, you know, you'd buy them for me if i was getting married or popping an 8 lb kid out of my vagina = )