03 April, 2007


i remember a sex and the city episode where carrie noted that chronically-single people get the shaft because they never get the chance to enjoy the abundance of gifts that are showered upon people when they get married or have a kid. i have to say that, in a non-bitter way, i agree with her... it really is the shaft sometimes.

i never plan on marrying (not even noting the obvious that i CAN'T) nor do i plan on having kids... i guess that just makes people like me stronger... *shrug*

and oddly enough, unlike most situations, i really am not bitter. i think i'm not bitter because i don't even WANT to begin to have the type of life that a married couple or parents have (it's just not the life for me). so i guess that not getting the extra abundance showered on me by friends or co-workers is a gift in itself. a gift that is showing me that, indeed, i am living the life that i'm happy with.

but i wouldn't turn down a set of waterford martini glasses as a "you're cool" gift because, well, you know, you'd buy them for me if i was getting married or popping an 8 lb kid out of my vagina = )


  1. "i never plan on marrying (not even noting the obvious that i CAN'T)"

    You can in Canada! Perhaps that's why it's call CANada...

  2. I saw a "Dear Abby" thing on this once. This mother was throwing a "Happy to Be Single" party for her daughter who was in her mid-thirties & who had never been married, wasn't going to get married etc and who'd owned her own home for like 10 years.

    I guess it's some sort of new thing. Kinda caught me off guard because how often do you hear about stuff like that? If I were the girl, I'd be embarassed about it.

    Anywho, if you ever do find the right one & go through some sort of ceremony thing or something, I'm sure a friend or two will throw you a party. Isn't it darn near the same thing anyway? You commiting your life to someone else? I say yep.
