20 April, 2006

a blessing on me bum

this morning, as with most mornings, i went through my post-poo ritual around 3/4 of the way thru my morning coffee:

  1. turn on the water,
  2. put soap on my hands,
  3. wash,
  4. rinse,
  5. dry with two paper towels,
  6. check for long nose hairs,
  7. fix the main hair,
  8. check the shirt tucking,
  9. do a quick check of the ass for 1)appropriate tucking and 2)sheer prettiness


yup folks... it's like ash thursday for my ass... a small spot of perfectly formed ash-ish ass blessing. i'm guessing it's from trashing-it-out on the front porch after work w/ my friends at home and probably leaning up against a cig-ashing-spot on the wall.

either its that or i've been touched by an ass-ashing angel who has dubbed me the ash-queen for the day - spreading my ashy-ass-goodness around the world for all to see and be blessed by.

if you see me today, check out the spot - the only thing that could make this situation better is if the ashes formed the image of the virign mary or poopie-head benedict.

1 comment:

  1. I'm betting if those ashes formed the shape of the Virgin Mary, you could easily sell those pants to Goldenpalace.com and get like a bizzillion dollars for them. You'd be set for life. (and you could share with your friend, Jen for coming up with such a good idea!) Love ya!
