05 May, 2006

in celebration of life

i have an appreciation for bathroom whistlers.

you know them... they guys who walk into the bathroom whistling and pull-up at the urinal next to you and continue to whistle, unphased by your urinating presence.

they're the ones in the stalls humming and tapping their feet with their pants around their ankles.

they're the ones who are seemingly so in love with life, so happy with what's going on in it, and so pleased with the universe that it comes out in song.  and that song isn't even remotely paused for something as mundane as going to the bathroom to empty out.  as a matter of fact, that mundane task turns into just another extension of their joy of living, their joy of air.

i think i need to start whistling more  = )


  1. I guess I haven't really lived then because I've never encountered a bathroom whistler.

  2. Isn't it terribly unnerving? Yet another reason I am happy to be female!
