12 May, 2006

potty-based pet peeve

i think some of you have heard this one before... if so, deal with it.  and, YES, many of my postings are about poo or loo-related subjects... but what do you expect from a guy w/ ibs???

now, on to the potty-based pet peeve...

one of my biggest pet peeves, which i guess really isn't a pet peeve, just an "ew... that was so gross"-ism is when you walk into the bathroom, see someone you know, the only other person in the bathroom, washing their hands, walk into a stall and sit down on a warm seat.

it's like... oh my god!  not only a warm toilet seat but you KNOW WHO'S ASS WARMED IT UP!!!  it's like bumping your bare bum against that persons...

hmm... now that's an idea...

1 comment:

  1. I have a minor phobia of pooping in public restrooms so I usually only poop on home ice.
