01 July, 2004

The Grandest Apologies...

yeah, so i get all my friends to be nosy on my life by reading my blog on a semi-daily basis and then i neglect to put in entries... i'll be lucky if i ever have a following again = )

excuse #1 - i'm fuckin' crazy at work. i teach and teach and teach all freakin' day long and then when i DO get back to my desk, i'm explaining to people how to do stuff that i just taught them (i'm sick of people surfing and checkin' email instead of listening in my classes) dammit!

excuse #2 - i don't have an internet connection at home... screw aol and any other isp out there, i'm not paying you ANYthing.

excuse #3 - there's no way in HELL i'm coming back into work post 5pm simply to put blog postings out there to please my friends... i'll buy you a drink at 5-8 instead *grin*

ok... now that i got that off my chest i can go back to work... i promise more blogs in the future!!!


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