21 July, 2004

My blog

lately i've gotten complaints from friends that my blog is, well, simply put - boring.  one of my favorite movies in the entire world has one of my all time favorite quotes in it... and i quote:


he he... so funny  = ) 

but seriuosly folks, i follow quite a few blogs on a daily basis, most of them are political in nature - people venting their everyday frustrations and somehow trying to make a difference in cyberspace.  other blogs are regurgitation of a person's daily events.  others are an attempt at making people constantly laugh at the goings-on in their lives.  and yet others create blogs simply to be sure that everyone in the world has the opportunity to hear their bitching - the more the merrier i guess.

MY blog... well, i don't know what category it fits into.  MY blog is for mere purposes.  he he, mere purposes.  i crack myself up.  really though, it's one and only purpose is to combine all those things from above together!  i'm here to make myself laugh and make myself cry, and make myself proud of what i've done... MY blog is to bring you all into the personal universe i live in.

i've had many a person try to figure out what's going on in my mind, have i come up with a way to describe this universe?  HELL NO!  but i figured the best way to get you to all understand me is to simply write what's going on in my universe as it happens.

i apologize if the blog gets back-logged (he he... B-logged)... but sometimes that's what happens in my personal universe, i just get too busy or too crazy to care what's going on around me - my life then revolves around my work, my music, my cigs, my gym, and my porn... oh, and gin  = )

please don't hate me because my brain doesn't work like yours... but celebrate in my differences!

here's to many more blogs... some multiple times a day, others a couple a week... but i promise that it will ALWAYS give you wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful) insights into my personal universe.


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