01 July, 2004

Voting time!!!

ok friends and foes... i'm dying to get a piercing, i know what you're thinking 'don't you have enough' and the answer is 'NO'. god didn't put enought holes in my body, thus i must step in, along w/ st. sabrina = ) i know you're also thinking 'does he have enough money... he's always bitching about money' and the answer is a resounding 'NO'. but god didn't put enough holes in my body, thus i must step in, no matter the cost or price of pain.

some people claim god gave them the wrong sex, all i'm saying is i'm not holy enough.

voting time!!! [updated voting results are in brackets]

1) prince albert
2) barbell through the upper ear
3) surface piercing on my nape (back of neck) or right wrist
[4) tongue piercing]
[5) no piercing, needles don't belong down there... get another tatoo or dye your hair again]

Vote my friends... vote!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    A Prince Albert? Gee, you do know what those are, don't you??? I say that's a big fat "NO" but then again, your blogs would take a turn in a really special direction...I can see it now..."Well, my dick hurts like hell today. I can't even sit comfortably, can't take a piss without things feeling all painful." Hmmmm...if you're dying to put another hole in your body, I go for the tongue piercing just cause I heard that some folks like it. Who knows though I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My ears being pierced was bad enough because I'm a huge wiener.
    ~JA in CO
