that's what i feel like this morning...
last night was the bday party for a new friend/co-worker of mine at fahrenheit night club in minneapolis. and what a hot time = ) first of all, it was ladies night. so all the gals in the group were drinking these overly phu-phu highly acidic appletinis... actually they were really good, i'm just jealous that i wasn't able to drink them for free... stupid penis. but the plus side was guys got $3 bacardi cocktails, ooh girlfriend - yipee!
we opened the place up and had a wonderful time - then the bday gal's freakin' HOT husband bought us into the vip suite in the dance bar... a bottle of nice bubbly and shots all around later and tom had decided he was having a fun time! oh, and a very nice (partially expensive) cigar. i had really never partied at a 'straights' club before and i must say this was an amazing first-time experience. hmmm, you straight people aren't so bad afterall... huh.
when it become obvious to myself that i was the only person left in the group that had to work the next morning i decided to go home (circa 1:30am). i grabbed the two most important women in my life, amy and jess, and walked through the nice, cool, minnesota summer evening back to my car and we drove to my place.
somehow in the course of the next 45 minutes an amazing thing happened - somehow i went to the bathroom and ended up on the picnic table in the front of my building eating ketchup-only quarter pounders and a big mac w/out the mac... now note that it's 2:30am. what a great time! amy, jess, and i just couldn't hold our bladders, nor our hunger, so we went to my place to leak then turned right around to go to the 24hr mc-d's. god bless 24hr mc-d's... and to think they both thought i was kidding when i said it was 24hr - *grin*
so my evening left me w/ 4 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up... it also left me with a freakin' HUGE headache... but of the $50 i went into the night with, i only spent $34. totally those straights can really party! and i love the rockin' moroccan!
SUCH a good time! awesome re-cap, hun. :)