03 August, 2006


today's just a bunch of randoms cause i can't get my shit together.

  • the temperature has dropped in the cities and i can finally walk to work without my underside becoming a moist vortex that my tighties get caught in.
  • yesterday i proved that i'm truly back in college... my lunch of soda and a twix was hastily eaten on the way to class.
  • the 48 hours of rain we had in the last few days gave me NUMEROUS opportunities to use my new umbrella. there's nothing sweeter than using an umbrella; it's like being in a movie or something, it's just so surreal.
  • the cold i caught on the way back from camp noah is finally disappearing, not till i passed it off to my bf that is. *grin*
  • apple freakin' ROCKS!

well, that's about all today, well, for now. maybe i'll blog more later while i'm in class.

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